Sunday, April 26, 2009

Welcome to the Lily Pad

Hi there

My name is Lily. I decided after sharing some of my dating to stories with friends that some of them were just amusing enough to share with the rest of the interwebs. So here I am.

Let's see, a bit about me and my dating history. I'm in my mid-twenties and a bit of a tomboy with a girlie side. I've been a serial monogamist since I started dating around 6 years ago when I started college. I'd meet a guy or become friends with a guy and eventually the attraction was there, so we'd jump into a relationship. I've had my share of good relationships and bad ones, but I did learn something from every guy I dated. Sometimes they were tough lessons, but its much better to learn them firsthand. The thing is, I never really "dated" casually in the past; I'd always get into a relationship right away, so this casual dating thing is a completely new (mis)adventure for me.

So I guess as far as casual dating goes, I'm kind of a newbie. I learn by doing, so I'm diving in feet first... and I'm taking you all along for the ride. I'm hoping to also give some advice along the way, advice that I've learned firsthand and advice that I've read from some pretty wonderful books that have changed how I look at dating.

I'm not entirely sure I have a grand philosophy when it comes to dating. I'm basically searching for someone who takes me as I am, flaws and all, and most importantly, laughs at my terrible jokes. I'm only slightly kidding about that last part; sarcasm isn't nearly as amusing if you have to explain it to someone else. It would be great to have stuff in common too, seeing as I'm not really one to consider golf on a Sunday afternoon a high form of entertainment. I need someone who can keep up with me and challenge me to keep up with them. Of course there's the physical attraction aspect as well. I realize I'm far from perfect, so I try not to judge too much; however, if physical attraction and chemistry just isn't there, it won't appear out of thin air.

I don't buy into the concept of finding "the one" as if there is only one person out there who's right for you. I believe there are a handful of "ones" and sometimes it just depends on where you are as to which "one" you find that's right for you. I hope that made sense. I do believe in the power of love. I've been in love in the past. I've fallen in and out of love with probably two people total. I haven't given up hope on love because frankly, I'm too young to be that pessimistic. Heart break sucks, but healing from that and finding someone who rocks your world harder than you'd imagined makes up for the suckage of that past heart break.

So as you could probably tell, this blog may have a bit of a theme going on. I'm always one for a theme party, so I may have a little too much fun with this blog. It's been said in the past that you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. In that case, bring on the frogs!!

Welcome and enjoy :)

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